It's that time of year again! Do you have lockboxes under your couch, in the trunk of your car, or maybe the desk drawer? It's time to find them and bring them into GAAR for the Supra "True Up"!
What is a "True Up" Period?
Each September, the Association will begin a 30-day True Up Period. The True Up is the time of year when we audit your accounts to determine how many lockboxes you are entitled to under the current Supra Policy.
To determine how many boxes you are authorized, GAAR evaluates the number of residential listings you have in Flexmls and adds 30%. For example, if you have 10 active, pending or under-contract listings, you are entitled to 13 lockboxes. If you have 20 lockboxes in your possession, then you have 7 excess lockboxes that will need to be returned.
The purpose of the True Up is to ensure that the lockboxes return to circulation. You will receive an email during the coming week notifying you of the number of excess lockboxes you need to return (if any).
This year's True Up Period will be from September 5th through October 6th.
During the next 30 days, you can return your boxes to the GAAR REALTOR® Building at any time. For an added convenience, we will also accept boxes at remote locations on the dates listed below:
Westside/Rio Rancho:
September 18th | 9 AM - 4 PM
Taylor Ranch Community Center
4900 Kachina St NW | Albuquerque, NM 87120
Map it
Valencia County:
September 19th | 9 AM - 1 PM
Los Lunas - Coldwell Banker Legacy Office
1775 Main St NE | Los Lunas, NM 87031
Map it
East Mountains:
September 20 | 10 AM - 12 PM
Edgewood Community Center
27 E Frontage Rd | Edgewood, NM 87015
Map it
What happens if I don't return my "excess" lockboxes?
Under our Supra Policy, you will be invoiced $100 (plus tax) for each excess lockbox not returned. Invoices will be emailed in October and are payable in accordance with GAAR's payment and collection policies.
What if I'm using lockboxes on other property types?
Please call GAAR Supra Support at 505-842-1433, Option # 2 to discuss your options.
When should I return lockboxes?
You can return your excess locboxes at anytime before October 6th and we advise members to return them as soon as possible to avoid crowds. If you are unable to return your lockboxes in person, then you can call GAAR Supra Support at 505-842-1433, Option # 2 to schedule a pick up.
If you have any questions about the Supra 2.0 Lockbox Library Program, please click here to refer to the Supra FAQ sheet or contact us at supra@gaar.com.