The Sales & Marketing Council Presents:
2018 Builder Town Hall
Monday, May 7th 11:30am - 2:00pm
Where: The GAAR REALTOR® Building
1635 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM
Learn everything you always wanted to know about our top local homebuilders. Ask our panel of experts representing each of the top local homebuilders the questions that are important to you and your customers!
Reserve your seat today!
Learn from a Panel of Experts:
*What is new in construction practices today
*Get the latest information on smart home technologies
*Find out how to protect your commission with customer referrals
*And much more!
The Sales & Marketing Council is part of the
Home Builders Association of Central New Mexico
For more info: Bridgette -bmadrid@hbacnm.com or 505.344.3294