Though it is one of the most effective real estate marketing tools, social media must be used with finesse and know-how. Avoid these missteps and you’ll be on your way to creating a robust community around your brand.
Social media usage has become a part of modern culture, so why shouldn’t the real estate world plant its collective flag there? After all, it’s a powerful marketing tool that allows agents and brokers to connect with potential clients on a platform which they’re already using.
Well, it’s not as easy as it seems. As the social media landscape has expanded to include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more, it’s also become more complex. But while this seemingly endless opportunity represents the potential for great success, there are a number of mistakes one could make that will turn social media into a hindrance to success. Mistakes on social media can mean wasted time and resources, as well as your target market unfollowing your brand.
1. Not Interacting
The beauty of social media is that it gives agents the opportunity to interact directly with their potential audience. The goal of a post is not to blast out information but to promote engagement. So, if people are commenting or asking questions and the agent is not checking their notifications, potential clients may feel put off by the experience and take their queries elsewhere.
Be at the ready to provide timely and informative responses to all post engagements. Even something as simple as “thank you so much for commenting” can go a long way toward winning the hearts and minds of social media users.
2. Inconsistent Branding
To truly maximize exposure, real estate agents should use a variety of social platforms. When appearing on multiple social sites, it’s important to keep personal branding consistent.
Something as simple as using the same profile and cover photo (appropriately sized for each specific site) can help present a unified brand. Recognizing a familiar face contributes to the process of creating a bond, and potential clients will remember an agent’s photo before they recall their name. When prospects see an agent across multiple platforms, that will give the agent’s brand a larger presence in the mind of potential clients. However, while maintaining an overall brand consistency is important, agents and brokers should strive to post different content on each site.
3. Going Off-Script
While it might be tempting to wing it, agents should not just hit the record button and go. Script all video content thoroughly and rehearse it before filming, even when posting live content on social.
Video content is a great way to showcase homes, and social media is an excellent place to put videos to gain exposure. Agents can post videos of homebuying or homeselling tips or give virtual tours. Viewers enjoy watching videos and can connect more with the content in this format. Since we all digest video content on social media, it makes sense for agents to post their videos on those platforms.
Real estate professionals have to be trusted by their clients, and excessive “umms” and pauses don’t inspire the confidence needed to bring in new business. Agents and brokers should strive to keep their message concise and professional at all times. The idea of entering into a real estate transaction can be daunting for many, but when you speak with confidence, you’re likelier to inspire that confidence in your audience as well.
4. Posting Listings Exclusively
The fastest way to lose followers is to be all business all the time. If an agent posts nothing but listings with no engagement-focused posts to inspire conversations, the audience will become bored and click away. It is vital when marketing on social media not to appear to be spam. Homebuyers and homesellers are on social media for more than just real estate needs, and as such, they follow a lot of pages.
Try posting two listings per week, filling the rest of your feed with probing questions and valuable content that addresses buyer or seller concerns. Something as simple as a photo of an ornate bedroom with the caption, “What is something all master bedrooms should have?” can help start a conversation.