Introducing Vax 2 the Max Sweepstakes: a statewide vaccination incentive program that will make available $10 million in total prize money to New Mexicans who receive their COVID-19 vaccinations, among other prizes and awards throughout the summer.
$250,000 Winners in Each Region of the State!!!
5 weekly drawing will award one $250,000 winner from each of the state’s four public health regions, for a total of $1 million in cash prizes each week. A grand prize of $5 million will be awarded at the conclusion of the sweepstakes, in early August, to one winner drawn from the statewide pool of vaccinated New Mexicans who have opted in to the sweepstakes.
Spin the PRIZE Wheel!!!
The prize wheel is coming to a location near you! The New Mexico Lottery will bring 10 “prize wheels” to providers who have partnered with the state registration system; these sites will be spread across the state. New Mexicans receiving vaccinations at these sites will be eligible to win assorted prizes, including New Mexico Lottery tickets.