SWMLS has a required field on NEW listings that requires the listing agent to enter the FEMA Flood Code for that parcel or address. The SWMLS Help Desk receives daily calls on how to locate this information. Here are some quick tips to easily locate the FEMA code.
Is the address in Albuquerque? Try the City of ABQ GIS Address Search
The City of Albuquerque has provided a handy tool for many years that lets you search the Albuquerque address, which provides information about that home such as; Zoning Code, Zone Atlas, Lot Acres, Legal Description, and FEMA Flood Code.
Much of the information from the GIS Address report can be used to enter a new listing and happens to be one of the quickest places online to lookup your FEMA Code. If your property is not in Albuquerque you will have to try Steps 2 and 3, using Remine to locate the FEMA code.
Searching Remine using an existing Street Address
Step 1: Login to your Remine account from the GAAR Portal (click the REMINE icon) or from your Flexmls system (go to Menu and click on REMINE from Products section).
Step 2: In the Remine main Dashboard, click the Search option.
Step 3: Type in the address in the top search bar and choose that address from the list.
Step 4: Open that Property Report and scroll to the Public Record section.
Step 5: In the Public Record section locate Maps and click on Flood Risk.
Step 6: In Flood Risk look for the value called Flood Zone Code. This is the FEMA Map Code you will use on the listing entry form.
Searching Remine using an existing UPC Code or Parcel Number
Step 1: Login to your Remine account from the GAAR Portal (click the REMINE icon) or from your Flexmls system (go to Menu and click on REMINE from the Products section).
Step 2: In the Remine main Dashboard, click the Search option.
Step 3: From the Search page you will need to click into the top search bar but don’t type anything. You are looking for a series of buttons that says Places, People, Agents, etc., Click on the one that says APN/PIN.
Step 4: With the APN/PIN button activated in Blue, type in your UPC code into the search bar. This is the most direct way to locate a Vacant Lot in Remine. When you see the correct property in the search results select it to open up the full property report.
Step 5: After you have opened the property report, scroll to the Public Record section.
Step 6: Locate Maps and click on the one that says Flood Risk.
Step 7: In Flood Risk look for the value called Flood Zone Code. This is the FEMA Map Code you will use on the listing entry form.
What do FEMA Codes Mean?
Each FEMA Code has it’s own definition. The full list of FEMA codes and their description can be found by clicking here.
Please contact the SWMLS Help Desk at mls@gaar.com if you have any questions about FEMA codes, or need help looking up the code for your next listing.