The Bernalillo County Planning and Development Services receives numerous inquiries from brokers and property inspectors regarding equipment inspection dates. This article will clarify tag policy and instruct how you can easily access inspection information.
A few years ago, there was a policy change when the Bernalillo County Building Department stopped issuing approval tags. The current process is that Bernalillo County Building Department issues a yellow sign-off sheet to assist in the verification of inspections; the inspector signs this sheet and does not leave an approval tag. This has left many residential and commercial properties without tags on their inspected and approved equipment or utilities.
If you are unsure if the equipment at a residential or commercial property has been inspected, you can go to the Bernalillo County website where you can verify if an inspection was performed and a permit issued. This site will also provide verification if an addition or utilities have been inspected and approved.
This will prevent re-permitting equipment that has been previously inspected and approved. If there is no tag and no inspection verification on the website, a permit may be required.
How to Search Inspection Permits using Accela Citizen Access:
- Go to bernco.gov
- Select A-Z Services tab
- Click on Accela Citizen Access
- Select Building tab
- Under General Search clear the start date from the calendar (this allows all records associated with that address to be accessed)
- Enter Street No. and Street Name
- Select Search button and this will bring up the permits for this specific address
- Review each permit record as it will provide if property equipment or utilities have been inspected and approved
For additional information, please contact:
County of Bernalillo
Planning & Development Services Department
111 Union Square SE, Suite 100
Albuquerque, NM 87102