This IDO resource guide was created for SWMLS users and contains information about IDO Zoning specific to FLEXMLS and MLS listings. May 17, 2017 is the switch-over date for the Albuquerque IDO zoning changes and is also the first day in FLEX that users can start selecting the new codes on their MLS listings. We have created a short FAQ Style resource for SWMLS users to guide you through the zoning transition in FLEXMLS.
The Zoning codes are not changing in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, outside Albuquerque City Limits, OR for parts of Albuquerque's South Valley (east of Coors Blvd). Don't assume the IDO zoning is changing just because the city is in Albuquerque. It is advised to review the IDO Zoning maps to know the boundaries in your search area AND to use the lookup tools to verify the new IDO zoning for that address.
Here ia 5 minute video talking about the FLEX IDO Zoning changes.
What is the IDO and Comprehensive Plan? An ambitious project to update the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and to integrate and simplify the city’s zoning and subdivision regulations to implement the resulting plan. The City Council adopted the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) in November 2017 and amendments in April and May 2018. The IDO will become effective on May 17, 2018. The City website has created a resource library to learn more about the ABQ Comprehensive Plan and Integrated Development Ordinace. To learn more, additional reading may be necessary by visiting their Frequently Asked Questions pages.
Where can I compare the old Albuquerque and new IDO zonings. Do you have a printout?
Here are the zoning conversion guides provided by the City of Albuquerque.
- Base (sometimes called "Straight") Zones from the City Zoning Code: Base Zone Conversion Table
- SU-2 Zones: Conversion Table for SU-2 zones
- SU-1 Zones: Decision Rules and Converstion Table for SU-1 Zones
What is changing in FLEXMLS as part of the IDO Zoning changes?
The FLEX Map overlay called Albuquerque Zoning has been revised with the new IDO zoning codes. This helpful map overlay includes the Albuqueruque IDO Zoning codes and the Bernalillo County Zone codes in one view.
The list of IDO Zoning codes is now available in the FLEX Details screen (when you add/edit a listing) and when doing a Zoning Code Search. The are currently found at the bottom of the full Zoning list and noted with an asterix * to note it is used for IDO zoning only.
On May 29, 2018 SWMLS update all Albuquerque, Active listings with the correct IDO Zoning. Listing agents for any of these 2,700 listings is encouraged to check their new Zoning to ensure accuracy of the data.
Are there any mapping tools that will help me locate the correct zoning for my Albuquerque listing? Yes. There are three mapping tools
FLEX Map Overlay - As mentioned previously, you can view the Albuquerque Zoning overlay in the FLEX Map screen. The Overlay list is on the right side of the FLEX maps. In addition to Zoning, we also offer Albuquerque Schools, Neighborhood, and MLS Area Overlays.
Albuquerque GIS Address Lookup - This reliable lookup tool has been around for years. You can search by address here to identify a lot of helpful information about the property address, including what the new IDO zoning is.
IDO Zoning Conversion Map - Note: The map was last updated in March 2018. AGIS will update the map as of May 17, 2018 (the effective date of the IDO) to reflect any platting, building permits, or zone changes that have occurred since March. This map is also useful to check any Bernalillo County address to see if it has an Albuquerque Zoning. If the property is not in the Albuquerque City limits it may still be using the Bernalillo County codes, which did not change.
FLEX MLS tips regarding IDO Zoning
- When searching by Zoning make sure you know which zoning you are searching for in Albuquerque. For example, If you are looking for a property that was sold or expired prior to May 17, 2018 you will need search the older zoning code. For a comprehensive zoning search we recommend choosing both the original and new IDO zoning choice to ensure you did not miss out anything in the search results.
- The most common Albuquerque Zoning code R-1 was split up into four types. R-1A, R-1B, R-2C, R-3C. See Table 2-3-3 below to determine the correct code based on the Lot Size and Width.
This article will be revised throughout 2018 to reflect any revisions to FLEX MLS or the IDO zoning codes that may occur.