RPR (REALTOR Property Resource) is excited to announce new features in the latest release. RPR Provides SWMLS users with data on over 147 million parcels of property in the United States, including public record information and SWMLS listing information. If you aren't signed up for RPR go to www.narrpr.com and register your account today. Once you are registered simply access RPR from the FLEX Product Menu.
What's new in June for RPR
Property-level energy consumption data joins website and reports
RPR is excited to announce the addition of energy consumption data for you to use when evaluating residential properties. RPR partnered with Tendril, the leading provider of property-level energy consumption data and scores, so RPR users will have access to this valuable information to share with consumers and clients.
Accessing the new data is quick and easy. Just look on the Property Details page, and by expanding the Housing Energy Consumption tab, you will have access to the energy consumption details for the property.
Comp Analysis and Sales Comp Analysis access your comps work
When you build a Comp Analysis or Sales Comp Analysis for a property, you look for comps to support your analysis and yield the most accurate, market-aware pricing for the property. We’re pleased to announce that in addition to the existing options to apply a comp's recent sale price, estimated value or refined value in the workflow, you can now pick its Comp Analysis or Sales Comp Analysis price, when you have previously generated one for the comp.
So the next time you access a previous comparable you have already worked on in RPR, you can include your work with just a click of your mouse. It's fast, easy and a real time-saver when preparing your next CMA from within RPR.
Click here to learn more about the new RPR updates.