Is your name on the list below? GAAR is bursting with items that need pick-up! Browse the list and swing by the office for your items.
GAAR is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Items for Pick-Up
- Centennial Pins
If you did not receive a pin - check with your Designated REALTOR®. If they did not receive any and had an address change - we may have them in our returned mail pile. Address updates need to be completed at GAAR with membership. Ask for your pins while you are there. - New Broker Pins
Did you earn your REALTOR® pin in 2020 via ZOOM? Stop by to pick up your pin! - Awards Gala Winner
(Scott Dean & John Lopez) - GAAR Committee Chair Award
(Gary Boyd, Morgan Cannaday-Henson (2), Steve Cecco, Zoe Enright, Tina Garcia, Sherilyn Lucas, Rachel Murphy, Randall Pratt, Kevin Ramos) - SWMLS Committee Chair Award
(Gary Boyd & Richard Jackson) - GAAR Board of Directors
(Appreciation gifts from December 2020) - Leadership Development Program Award
(1 left from the Class of 2019) - Good Neighbor Award
(Mary Bader) - Gift Bag
(Cheryl Stol) - RPAC Major Investor Apparel
(Angelina Garcia-Sandoval) - Pro-Standards & Grievance Committee Materials
(Must be a committee member) - The Speed of Trust
(FranklinCovey Book from February Leadership Training) - Leigh Brown Book Winners
(Patricia Alofaituli, James Crabtree, Jimmy Martinez, Mary "Lynn" Porter, John Van Nortwick, Timothy Wheeler) - And last but not least, there is 1 PPE kit left - first to come in & complete a form gets it!