“ShowingTime is reporting that on Wednesday evening, May 19th, T-Mobile/Sprint began filtering/blocking a small percentage of inbound ShowingTime text messages (SMS) without any notice or options available to the recipient.
Unfortunately, T-Mobile/Sprint has indicated that they will not remove the blocks until May 29th.
While this is outside ShowingTime’s control, they will continue to monitor this and work with the carrier. In the interim, we encourage all T-Mobile/Sprint customers to download the ShowingTime mobile app to help ensure you don’t miss any appointments. With the ShowingTime mobile app, you’ll receive “push” notifications that are similar to the SMS notifications you receive through text but are not susceptible to being affected by any SPAM filters or carrier issues. You’ll also have quick access to additional features available in the app such as mobile reports and feedback.”
We will continue to keep you posted as soon as we have any updates to share. Thank you,
Bill Kellogg
Chief Information Officer